User talk:Envoluted

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Revision as of 19:23, 20 January 2018 by Envoluted (talk | contribs) (#GoTeamEarth into the #Stars)
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Go Team Earth into the Stars

It has long been my belief that the Earth is a footstool to the stars and although it is far more productive and pressing at this point to start our gardens and prepare for the Grand Solar Minimum here at home, right now, to see the human race into the next millennium, eventually we will have to leave this planet. Maybe that's not even possible, maybe we are on a Flat Earth, or crossing the Van Allen Belts without our own Magnetic Shields is suicide, not to even fathom the distances and time it would take to reach another habitable planet, let alone colonize one. Maybe religion has us all here to suffer and suffer one another and it's not all just existential bullshit, just another animal at the top of their food chain that suddenly becomes extinct as the dinosaurs. For me, I have to place some eggs in this basket and some eggs in others, just in case there is a story behind our existence, and we are experiencing the End Time Tribulations spoken of in the Bible. Regardless, it would be unwise not to take advantage of my little spot of land here in Southern Utah, attempt to become an Ice Age Farmer even though I don't feel my little life here is worth keeping alive, nor do I feel much motivation to want to survive in a post apocalyptic world if shit goes south and millions start starving. Ugh, what a crazy, insane world we live in. Very difficult to make sense out of it all. Maybe I just need to open the door to others who do want to survive, not just survive, but THRIVE. Pretty sure if I had a tribe or felt as though I was apart of something bigger than myself I would want to live and thrive. Our hearts are broken. We need something more to motivate us than just saving our own flesh, which will die eventually anyways. and family, I can see that motivating us. Anyone have that still? Oy Vey, please disregard my attempts to reason here. I am not well.