IAF Podcast Episode 12

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IAF Podcast #12:

Grand Solar Minimum News: Elites Constructing "Alt-Ag" Alternative Agriculture

A few headlines related to changing climatic conditions and how they affect our ability to feed our family moving forward.

  • bill gates investing today in the meatless protein production -- talking $75mm to "Impossible Foods"

(with Asia’s third-richest man, "Li Ka-shing"; and Facebook's lesser known co-founder Dustin Mosk.ovitz.) And Sergey Brin cofounder Google https://www.theguardian.com/science/2...

  • Their "Bleeding" burger (which sounds disgusting) is "taking the Bay Area by storm" (8/3/17):

http://www.ktvu.com/news/271636543-story despite not being FDA approved (8/9/17) http://nypost.com/2017/08/09/bleeding...

  • new "meats from animal cells in a bioreactor" $17mm funding:


  • ... on the heels of bezos (amzn) and schmidt (goog) in vertical farming


  • Amazon IMMEDIATELY slashes Whole Foods' prices, in some cases up to 54%:


But that's just what they WANT us to know -- what else has AMZN done? Friday, guess what they announced: https://www.eater.com/2017/8/25/16201...

= do not shop at Whole Foods. You are not "buying local, supporting organic farmers." You are fueling the machine.

FLOODING: GUJARAT / HARVEY I've continued covering Gujarat flooding that's affecting 644,000 farmers and nearly 1.1Million hectares Now, after the eclipse, the USA is getting a taste This should help with the image parameters that things are fine -- things are not fine across the world, I spent majority of my life in Houston, including 2001 floods, my heart goes out to folks but i really hope this starts to get people to question extreme weather events and look around

and DESERT BLOOMING: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-a...

Ice Breaker: Jon Rappoport

The Individual vs. Globalism

IAF solutions are all ground-up; resilient communities start with resilient individuals. I imagined this show into existence because I know these climate changes are real, and the threat to our food security is real. I know we take cues and inform our own personalities and attitudes based on the people around us, even the people to whom we listen. i think we need more positive voices around these truths, so that more of us can help each other move in the right direction here.

but bear that in mind, when you select to whom or to what you give your attention. you are greatly influenced by the 5 people to whom you give majority of your time...

in fact, more generally, always remember: whatever you are doing right now, you are getting better at it. your brain is optimizing itself for doing it in the future. choose how you use the moment wisely.

Community Feedback

Notes from Claudia Hansen and more, sharing about failures to fertilize and above-usual levels of pests.

Send your questions, suggestions, ground reports to iceagefarmer@gmail.com

Special: Intro to Self Sufficient Gardening (part 2): Plant Anatomy - 12:43