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Mmm. Protein, rapidly farmed, using little to no energy, and very little space footprint. Clearly worth investigating...

Insect proteins have not yet been able to overcome tremendous social resistance in the West, but not for lack of trying -- Whole Foods even gave some cricket-protein based products shelf space in 2013, but found little market and seems to have pulled them.

Sourcing Crickets

I heard good things (including about taste) about Fluker Farms, so tried a first order from there.

Feeding Crickets

The more robust their diet, the healthier they'll be. They are hungry little dudes, and will eat each other if they feel overcrowded or hungry:

  • Leafy greens
  • Fruits/Veggies (apples, bananas, carrots, zucchs, ...)

Keep a wet sponge in their so that they can drink without drowning in a plate of water.

Protecting your Crickets

So, all was going well, until a dirty hoard of ants located my crickets and proceeded to devour them. Searching around, I do find other folks have had this problem. Their solutions seem half-baked (using double-sided tape to trap the ants, or even spraying bug spray on the OUTSIDE of the container...that we are using to farm bugs for our own consumption? no thanks).

I am considering creating a stand; its legs will sit inside a water "moat" to keep ants from being able to access the stand/cricket bins. Fortunately, these bins can be stacked vertically, so only one such stand should be needed for a small, 3-bin setup (adults, sub-adults, pinhead nursery). This is an active Experiment -- will update as I learn more.


The setup is pretty basic. This guy has done a decent video:

And hers as well:
