System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
exif-whitepoint (talk) (Translate) | White point chromaticity |
exif-worldregioncreated (talk) (Translate) | World region that the picture was taken in |
exif-worldregiondest (talk) (Translate) | World region shown |
exif-writer (talk) (Translate) | Writer |
exif-xresolution (talk) (Translate) | Horizontal resolution |
exif-xyresolution-c (talk) (Translate) | $1 dpc |
exif-xyresolution-i (talk) (Translate) | $1 dpi |
exif-ycbcrcoefficients (talk) (Translate) | Color space transformation matrix coefficients |
exif-ycbcrpositioning (talk) (Translate) | Y and C positioning |
exif-ycbcrpositioning-1 (talk) (Translate) | Centered |
exif-ycbcrpositioning-2 (talk) (Translate) | Co-sited |
exif-ycbcrsubsampling (talk) (Translate) | Subsampling ratio of Y to C |
exif-yresolution (talk) (Translate) | Vertical resolution |
expand_templates_generate_rawhtml (talk) (Translate) | Show raw HTML |
expand_templates_generate_xml (talk) (Translate) | Show XML parse tree |
expand_templates_html_output (talk) (Translate) | Raw HTML output |
expand_templates_input (talk) (Translate) | Input text: |
expand_templates_input_missing (talk) (Translate) | You need to provide at least some input text. |
expand_templates_intro (talk) (Translate) | This special page takes text and expands all templates in it recursively. It also expands supported parser functions like <code><nowiki>{{</nowiki>#language:…}}</code> and variables like <code><nowiki>{{</nowiki>CURRENTDAY}}</code>. In fact, it expands pretty much everything in double-braces. |
expand_templates_ok (talk) (Translate) | OK |
expand_templates_output (talk) (Translate) | Result |
expand_templates_preview (talk) (Translate) | Preview |
expand_templates_preview_fail_html (talk) (Translate) | <em>Because {{SITENAME}} has raw HTML enabled and there was a loss of session data, the preview is hidden as a precaution against JavaScript attacks.</em> <strong>If this is a legitimate preview attempt, please try again.</strong> If it still does not work, try [[Special:UserLogout|logging out]] and logging back in, and check that your browser allows cookies from this site. |
expand_templates_preview_fail_html_anon (talk) (Translate) | <em>Because {{SITENAME}} has raw HTML enabled and you are not logged in, the preview is hidden as a precaution against JavaScript attacks.</em> <strong>If this is a legitimate preview attempt, please [[Special:UserLogin|log in]] and try again.</strong> |
expand_templates_remove_comments (talk) (Translate) | Remove comments |
expand_templates_remove_nowiki (talk) (Translate) | Suppress <nowiki> tags in result |
expand_templates_title (talk) (Translate) | Context title, for {{FULLPAGENAME}}, etc.: |
expand_templates_xml_output (talk) (Translate) | XML output |
expandtemplates (talk) (Translate) | Expand templates |
expansion-depth-exceeded-category (talk) (Translate) | Pages where expansion depth is exceeded |
expansion-depth-exceeded-category-desc (talk) (Translate) | The page exceeds the maximum expansion depth. |
expansion-depth-exceeded-warning (talk) (Translate) | Page exceeded the expansion depth |
expensive-parserfunction-category (talk) (Translate) | Pages with too many expensive parser function calls |
expensive-parserfunction-category-desc (talk) (Translate) | The page uses too many expensive parser functions (like <code>#ifexist</code>). See [$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit Manual:$wgExpensiveParserFunctionLimit]. |
expensive-parserfunction-warning (talk) (Translate) | <strong>Warning:</strong> This page contains too many expensive parser function calls. It should have less than $2 {{PLURAL:$2|call|calls}}, there {{PLURAL:$1|is now $1 call|are now $1 calls}}. |
expiringblock (talk) (Translate) | expires on $1 at $2 |
explainconflict (talk) (Translate) | Someone else has changed this page since you started editing it. The upper text area contains the page text as it currently exists. Your changes are shown in the lower text area. You will have to merge your changes into the existing text. <strong>Only</strong> the text in the upper text area will be saved when you press "{{int:savearticle}}". |
export (talk) (Translate) | Export pages |
export-addcat (talk) (Translate) | Add |
export-addcattext (talk) (Translate) | Add pages from category: |
export-addns (talk) (Translate) | Add |
export-addnstext (talk) (Translate) | Add pages from namespace: |
export-download (talk) (Translate) | Save as file |
export-manual (talk) (Translate) | Add pages manually: |
export-pagelinks (talk) (Translate) | Include linked pages to a depth of: |
export-submit (talk) (Translate) | Export |
export-summary (talk) (Translate) | |
export-templates (talk) (Translate) | Include templates |
exportall (talk) (Translate) | Export all pages |
exportcuronly (talk) (Translate) | Include only the current revision, not the full history |
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