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** [https://www.ecowatch.com/solar-geoengineering-termination-shock-2546436361.html Ecowatching: Preventing Termination Shock]
** [https://www.ecowatch.com/solar-geoengineering-termination-shock-2546436361.html Ecowatching: Preventing Termination Shock]
** [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5492651/Plan-artificially-cool-Earth-NOT-risky-thought.html Plan to Artificially Cool Earth, Not So Risky as First Thought]
** [http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-5492651/Plan-artificially-cool-Earth-NOT-risky-thought.html Plan to Artificially Cool Earth, Not So Risky as First Thought]
=Climate Change causes Volcanic Eruptions=
* [https://www.independent.co.uk/environment/volcano-eruption-climate-change-mountain-landslide-glacier-global-warming-a8299821.html Independent, April 2018]
* Now again, [http://www.cbc.ca/radio/thecurrent/the-current-for-may-18-2018-1.4668564/canada-has-dormant-volcanoes-climate-change-could-wake-them-up-1.4668592 Canada has dormant volcanoes
=Excuses for Food Prices=
=Excuses for Food Prices=
See [[Food Prices: Excuses]]
See [[Food Prices: Excuses]]

Revision as of 01:24, 31 May 2018

Creating this as a workspace to track the evolution of "Global Cooling" language in media, which is a tool used to program the masses and dictate the narrative. This language has been evolving rapidly as "Global Warming" narrative falls apart.

Global Cooling

May 26, 2013: MSM Global Cooling is Here

July 2015: Damage Control after Zharkova

Zharkova's paper: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/07/150709092955.htm

The ABSOLUTE DENIAL language in headlines:

June 2017: Mt Agung Erupts: "Temporary Global Cooling?"

  • Newsweek: Giant Eruption at Bali Volcano Could Unleash Global Cooling
  • Accuweather: Could Mount Agung cause global cooling effects lasting for years?

December 2017: "Override Global Warming" headline language

Yesterday (Dec 27, 2017)'s barrage, now including an APPEAL TO AUTHORITY ("scientists"/"mathematicians") and actively destroying old programming "OVERRIDING GLOBAL WARMING"

Equating Volcanoes and Aerosol-based Solar Radiation Management (SRM) / Geoengineering

But risky:

Febrary 5-10, 2018: UCSD Study

On 2/5/18, UCSD issued a press release, Reduced Energy from the Sun Might Occur by Mid-Century. Now Scientists Know by How Much.

The release generated a slew of media coverage including the following:

  • IB Times: nice video and everything, announcing the solar Grand Minimum
  • Fox News: Why the Sun will Soon Get Dimmer -- another VIDEO


March 6, 2018: We are Not Prepared for Next Big Eruption

New study about effects of VEI7 eruptions in modern society inspires coverage in Nature mag.

March 13, 2018: Actually, humans thrived after Supervolcano

Based on this paper: Modern humans flourished through ancient supervolcano eruption 74,000 years ago from Univ. Cape Town

Continues through April

Geoengineering Narrative

Some of this is mentioned above, but I am extracting this as its own timeline, because it's weird and merits analysis:

“The future is bright for geoengineering,” Republican Rep. Randy Weber of Texas, chairman of the Energy Subcommittee of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology, said at a hearing in November.* 2017-12-7: CA Congressman Introduces Groundbreaking Geoengineering Bill:
Last month, Congressman McNerney called for a hearing in the House Committee on Science, Space & Technology (SST) to collect information from experts in the field of geoengineering – which implements techniques to counteract the effects of climate change.

2018-3-21: Geoengineering not so risky!

Climate Change causes Volcanic Eruptions

Excuses for Food Prices

See Food Prices: Excuses